- discovery
- Google dorks
- Twitter
- until:2020-01-01
- since
- Browser
- make sure from where the results are taken from e.g. US
- Browser
filter the useless
- Skimming
- don’t learn from: who don’t use it himself || don’t know the theory
- it’s like reading: you need the book (experience) and the knowledge to gain something valuable out of it (theory)
- top 10101 anything
- if the video has stuff like top 10 … but it is 30 minutes that means that a single topic will take 3 minutes in a video do be explored, not even counting the x2 so it may probably not be usefull even though it’s long unless you use it like a MOCs (Maps Of Content) but you’ll hardly find this method to be efficent
- Check
- length
- 10m or less it’s probably not gonna change you’re life
- not at least 1h you’re probably wasting time
- date
- source
- length
- review papers - papers based on other papers in a certain topic
- Peer reviewed - papers reviewed from experts in the same field