n1 reason to use astro is PPR & performance w Partial Hydration but Next.js 14 introduced PPR as experimental so eventually we’ll have it too + partial hydration it’s double edge sword
even though animations & support for md it’s great those are the only 2 reasons I may use astro
other than for smaller projects, I would not use this + you still need to learn it while next.js can do the same stuff (apart from PPR) even if w a different dx experience
next.js seem to have a future, not sure about astro + still has small community
Doesn’t have as much features/community/third-party-pkgs as next.js
it mostly have feats you can find on next.js anyway
image optimization
it’s new so small ecosystem
React is still not fully supported
you can’t use
React hooks
Not suited for webapps and large scale applications
still too young & not tested
state management can be a tricky dx bcs of the Partial Hydration
Partial Hydration it’s a double edge sword but core of astro phylosophy
compatibility with pkgs that expect a fully hydrated env may give unexpected results
you can disable it in a per component basis but there is no option to disable it entirely
you may still go with client side only hydration (experimental 01/Jan/2024)
even though Partial Hydration it’s still the focus
<Counter client:only />
when this will be out of experimental phase we’ll be able to fully use react feats and not having as many problems when passing state among components
stuff that next.js can’t replicate as easily
use of md files by default
04/Mar/2024 now it doesn’t seem so hard with next.js 14
Great for static data - like simple blogs - aurgumentation
ui framework agnostic
you may use vue, preact, angular in the same codebase