- Naming conventions
- (category) big topic, e.g. Code
- serves as a hub for sub-topics
- might contain information about the whole category
- f (flow) process to create something, e.g. fCode
- Similar to Standard Operating Procedures: kind of like to-do lists to maintain a high standard of quality on a project
- n (now) - temporary notes, e.g. nCode
- Like an inbox of ideas I try to empty every time I start to study the category again broadly
- l (learn) - info/resources/links to learn more, e.g. lCode
- usually contains my most trusted mentors in the category
- can contain broad sub-topics of the category that I might want to explore in the future
- i (inspiration) - inspiring resources/ideas, e.g. iCode
- p (principles) ideas to apply in other area of my life - e.g. [[pDesign