I use spaces & dividers to determine importance, e.g.
- under that divider starts a less important list of items, in this case Productivity and mind building (still important items in that context/image)
why do you have so few folders?
- Because then I’d have 2 things to mantain, the connections and the folders. More complexity I don’t need
why don’t you use headings?
- I hate them
- takes too much space
- strange behaviors when folding stuff
- takes too much brain power to make them (##### = heading 5)
- just fold the lists and here you go, you have “headings”
- I hate them
- related notes - almost always at the top of the file
- archived - stuff I no longer count as relevant
- there just because I don’t want to delete them or for archival reasons
- almost always at the bottom of the file
- discovery - like nCode & lCode but smaller
- usually under related notes
- source mentioning
- general sources
- src
- fonte (it’s Italian and it means “source”)
- specific
- w website
- g github
- v video
- general sources