Int - you map your life based on priorities too
what? priming - Get study material & prepare prioritizing info
- less overwhelm w new/complex topics
- +learning speed
- importancy/relevancy
- KPIs needed
- Feedback - HT read & act on it
- +memory & retention
- anything not important enough will be throwed away fast
Essential steps
- overviewing / re-check old structure already done
- leverage - what are the high value input/levers?
From where? - Learning resources
Filter garbage - HT research
More tips on establishing importancy
- If you don’t have a problem, don’t search solutions
- learn solutions only to solve an immediate problem
- you have a problem that will filter what you actually need
- motivation raises bcs u need a solution now to your problem
- countrary to school
- e.g.
- learn solutions only to solve an immediate problem
- If you stop to think deeper about anything, it becomes useful
- that doesn’t mean anything is AS USEFUL as anything else
- make it relevant - why is this important?
- if not needed immediatly (best scenario) imagine one
- If you don’t have a problem, don’t search solutions