- Manifest 3 vs 2
- used to define metadata about the extension, permissions, scripts, css etc
- can be in the chrome store but v2 not
- v2 is gonna be deprecated and chronium based browsers will follow (brave…)
- you can do less stuff in general than v2
- considered a regression by many
- In case you suffer from memory loss :D
- If you choose to add the popup
- what? when you click extension ico a little window appear
- background script or service worker
- let code run in the background and everything you write there will act like if it’s in the popup and NOT in the webpage
- content script
- it’s connected to the current webpage so if you do a querySelector the results should be expected
- some commands/APIs works only in certain types of scripts
- bkgr or content
- so beware to check if that API should be used there or there
- you need to communicate between different types of scripts with different methods to solve this