
  • What? v

    • Way of thiking focussed on the practical outcomes
      • rejecting anything abstract/principle based that doesn’t bring any tangible results.
        • it can also be bad for you
      • versatile
        • it doesn’t need empiric truths or abstractions necessary
      • accessible
        • it’s scope it’s general and not limited to scientific research etc.
    • Similar to:
  • Why? - to grow in any field or upgrade a process

  • How?

    1. Observe trough POC framework:
      1. Problem - identify what root problems to overcome
        • we don’t go to school to finish school, we do it to get a job, we get it because we need money, need money because I need stuff from other people, because I need/want stuff, because of my identity
      2. Outcomes - why and how is happening? how to change it?
      3. Contex - Can/Can’t? - limitations, resources, & enviroment
    2. Predicting Solutions and tests to get great feedback trough KPIs
    3. Evaluate feedback changing solutions & tests
      • can be influeced by factors beyond one’s control thus are not strictly correlated to the quality of the conclusion
    • Summarized
      • think
      • execute
      • learn
      • think
      • repeat
  • E.g.

    • system thinking
    • Law of actraction
    • Believing in something just because makes you strongher or it’s practical - fonte
      • With dangers to take into account
        • you can’t cure depression like this - Andrew Tate.
          • prevent the problem, don’t avoid it
            • It may be a good coping mechanism only with equilibrate relianace. A way to still incorporate this is making a list of red flags that when flagged it would encourage the individual to seek help.
          • risking lifes on a low percentage cure rate tool is bad
            • Even though pragmatism may cure the clynically depressed guy we’re risking him to relapse and suicide while there could be taken a different approach that may have led to the same result but at least it was considered the best option with the best probability of success. That’s why pragmatism should not be used to prevent or cure clynical depression but rather as a plus added to standard procedures made by professionals
    • religion
    • if there is an haunted house, the one who don’t believe in ghost will have a better time