- meh Luck Dictionary - Vocaboli generali Etiquette
- Discovery
- Opere artistiche da conoscere?
- Poeti?
- Religioni?
- Tempio di Solomone?
- Opere artistiche da conoscere?
Categories of knowledge Math Educazione civica
- Applied Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Political science
- Psychology - social sciences - the mind of people
- Economics
- Humanities
- Art - creative arts - specific artistics arts like music, painting…
- Physical
- martial arts
- weapons
- Natural sciences - non-living sys
- Astronomy - celestial bodies and their interactions in space
- Physics - study of matter & related
- Chemistry - composition, structure, properties & change of matter
- Earth Sciences - Earth - meteorology, Seismology & geology
- Meh
- liberal arts - well roundend/broad education
- humanities, mathematics, and social & physical sciences
- Social science, physical science, philosophy, math, and literature
- liberal arts - well roundend/broad education