- color grading https://vimeo.com/743120464
- sound effects - can be digital or physical
- special effects - made physically like on set explosions
FX - digital effects (no live action only 3D)
- Compositing - the step where you apply all FX
- to merge all elements and make it look like they belong togheter, expecially CGI and real world footage, but not limited to it
- wow e.g. !!!!!!!!
- CGI - Computer Generated Imaginery - visual elems made digitally
- what? mostly used for real world elems like thanos face
- motion graphic design
- what?
- counts only If the animation it’s short. If not, it’s animating
- creation and manipulation of visual elements to convey a sense of motion and dynamic content
- may be 2d, 3d or mixed
- e.g. animating
- logos
- intros
- moving illustrations
- creating visual effects for various media
- what?
- animating
- what? like motion graphic design but counts only for long ones
- color correction
- lighting
- Compositing - the step where you apply all FX