- Prerequisites
- Enviroment
- Steps explanation
- planning
- designing - how you want to see it and experience it?
- development - make it
- testing - test it
- deployment - make it usable and distribute it
- Responsible CTO
- Pre-work-start
- Great Overviews
- Gitflows - devcody - long similar to gitflow - trunk based
- DevOps - workflow overview
- Architecture-Infra codes
- Mindmap of features
- Waterfall vs Agile -
- lol
- interview w JS senior developer -
Planning - precedence changes on needs
- Specific code project template
- Unix phylosophy
- a filter (input, gives output to other softw)
- expect it to collaborate with other software
- simple
- few lines of code
- not? mantainability goes down
- security
- bugs
- modular
- extensible
- Do 1 thing and do it well
- save stuff in a text file
- a filter (input, gives output to other softw)
- https://robertdebock.nl/my-manifesto.html
- Observe using Pragmatism
- if you want to be innovative: First principle thinking
- otherwise you may go for analogy and look at the work of other people
- pre - use Creativity and Critical thinking to inspire
- Planning
- RFC management
- Codes theory - pCode
- Recurring
- Executing
- feats-todos
- Dev notes
- Useful Components
- sentry report component
- Planning
- re-check
TODOs vscode extension
Bookmarks & predeploy in browser
- Coding/Predeploy
- Security/security/Rating and checkers
Bundling process work w minifications etc
- Domains
- Publishing - Sponsoring
- Hosting
- Code law regulations to follow
- Last code checks
- DevOps/infra
- re-check
- Git-hub
- Updates & patches
- Incidents managing
- Feedback/Data collecting+usage
- provisioning & configuration of DevOps
- deploy
- broken links checker
- uptime
- monitor SSD lifetime