what? Higher Level Learning
prerequisite: Productivity
How we store memory
Tidy library framework
- Contextual
- consuming content - pay attenction to…
- storytelling
- design
- graphichs and vfxs
- patterns of positive & negatives
- influencing
- why is this interesting?
- are the actors related to influencing?
- reading
- Solo taxonomy - prefer extended abstract
- integrate new knowledge into old knoledge
- don’t just write into the note of the book itself
- don’t read in a linear way - Prestudy
- Book are tools, we use them, not the opposite
- Solo taxonomy - prefer extended abstract
- taking notes
- Only after higher level learning
- Don’t offload too quickly
- Note unwanted burden away like details, but not if your working memory is capable of retaining it while using HLL and cognitive load to preocess it futher
- type or write, but do it relationally, not lineary
- HT new language
- consuming content - pay attenction to…
Mentality - AFA
- Approach - Learning methods
- Filter - HT research
- Arrange - Prestudy
Process - encoding w cognitive load - BIS
- Bloom’s principles - Predicting & Chunking to bigger picture & past ideas like N & L notes or discovery sections
- Inquiry learning
- Study techniques
- Analogy
- Info are books
- shelfs are needed to categorize the books
- The way you arrange the books into the shelfs and in the library itself is encoding
- You use retrieval to find a book in a specific shelf
- Contextual
semi usefull vocabs
- deep processing - the product of higher order learning
- synthesizing - like evaluating in the Bloom’s principles
fonti utili
- school
- Chose where to get info trough Cone of learning
- Prestudy
- Where to put info for optimal retrieval?
- Evaluating and Chunking it to the bigger picture and past knowledge.
- How to write it for better encoding?
- Cognitive load is used to enhance encoding often with Bloom’s principles supplemented with Inquiry learning and personal Study techniques
- Always be concise and clear