- Lin troubleshooting
- arch
- TPM? it can lock you out
- xresources can save variable colors
- security
- https://youtu.be/dSBhMzDkQ24?t=4 group policy object
- grep
- fzf -
entr - triggher command on file update youtube-dl to download vids
- download
- resources
- Use GNU utilities
- https://youtu.be/m7no4O-JKDA?t=445 nix pkg manager
- Libre setup parabola OS - arch but with free software libre boot
- make your own
- e-mail server
- linux utilities?
- Kali Linux On Android Device NO ROOT Easily, Kali Linux On Android
- Linux software compatibility
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Distrobox
- 2
- Lin audio shorcuts
- set default file browser xdg-mime query default inode/directory xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory jxdg-mime query default inode/directory
- understand which key you’re pressing
- sudo showkey
- terminal tricks
- make folders cd - tail -f logfile.log
- Mental Outlaw
- Luke smith
- specialities
- linux
- economy
- linguistic
- country side
- specialities
- only thinkpad
- Re-install linux fast
- Ansible
- learning curve
- great control
- Clonezilla - duplicate partitions to other systems
- simplest
- probable that the system won’t work because it’s configured with different hardware
- not easiest to make changes w individual machines
- bandwidth intensive
- ArchISO - custom iso
- Not as flexible for making changes post-deployment
- custom installation script
- great control
- time-consuming
- example bash script dotfiles - src
- virtual machine
- cloud images
- Ansible
- basic
- ways to install
- Main repo
- compilation usually trhough repos
- docker
- nix?
- specific distro package
- .deb
- Virtualized thinghies
- appimage - kinda like a slower docker
- runs on different distros
- doesn’t need sudo to install
- self-contained & has its own dependencies
- decentralized - no central store like others
- but there exist appimagehub
- big in size & memory footprint
- flatpack - by redhat
- flathub
- snaps - worst
- by Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu
- snap store
- appimage - kinda like a slower docker
- downloading binaries - discouraged for security
- Lin folders-file structure
- Partitioning
- Package managers
- Lin troubleshooting
- lin security
- systemctl
- ways to install
- Scripting
- Other
- how to learn best
- man
- arch wiki
- understand how the system work to make a diagnose of the symptoms rather than just looking for the fast fix
- what’s GNU?
- general
- when people say linux they refer to linux kernel + GNU. The latter is “the actual OS”
- Story
- UNIX was exclusive, so GNU was born to make it more accessible
- core utilities like cd, ls, touch, etc
- gcc - compiler
- GPL based
- general
- Package Distrubutors
- offcial distro
- flatpack
- snap
- how to learn best
- Re-install linux fast
lin install
- KVM install
- install starting stuff
- pacman -S libvirt qemu-full virt-manager
- systemctl enable & start libvirtd
- check status for errors
- sudo usermod -G libvirtd -a e
- Compatible? kvm + qemu arch wiki
- check if CPU supports it
- LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 lscpu | grep Virtualization
- virtualization type: full
- means that’s supported!
- virtualization type: full
- or
- grep -E —color=auto ‘vmx|svm|0xc0f’ /proc/cpuinfo -If nothing is displayed after running either command, then your processor does not support hardware virtualization, and you will not be able to use KVM.
- LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 lscpu | grep Virtualization
- check if kernel modules are available
- zgrep CONFIG_KVM= /proc/config.gz
-The module is available only if it is set to either
- zgrep CONFIG_KVM= /proc/config.gz
-The module is available only if it is set to either
- are kernel modules automatically loaded?
- lsmod | grep kvm
- -If the command returns nothing, the module needs to be loaded manually; see Kernel modules#Manual module handling.
- to install kvm module
- lsmod | grep kvm
- check if CPU supports it
- I was lost because I could not install the kernel module kvm
- install starting stuff
- Da vinci resolve install
- paru davinci-resolve
- options
- opencl-driver
- opencl-rusticl-mesa
- (modern foss amd)
- opencl-rusticl-mesa
- java thinghy
- chose the first one
- opencl-driver
- KVM install
- pkg cache gets big
- /var/cache/pacman/pkg
- pccache
- services
- Start a service every startup - sudo systemctl enable SERVICENAME
- Start a service right now - sudo systemctl stakrt SERVICENAME
- delete libxtst-dev
- resolve on linux
- pkg cache gets big