- Sharing my personal digital notes to the internet. These notes are made for me first, not for the public, but still shared anyway
- Similar to how wikipedia works, notes are connected through links or references to other notes
- Only a portion of my 800 notes is shared here
- I’ll update this website 1 time a month
- Last update: 23/11/2024 (day/month/year)
Why sharing? To help & attract people with similar interests as me
- Letting people know more about me
- You can contact me on Twitter or wherever to have a chat about anything you find here & more
- Serendipity, or exposing myself to opportunities & more luck
Where to start? look at the map and let your curiosity guide you!
- Go to vault map to get a simple overview of all of my notes, or look here
- ==Mind==
- ==Wealth==
- CS - Computer science
- Code - Programming (mainly web development)
- BU - Business - Marketing, Sales, Onboarding…
- DE - Design - mainly web design, but also more
- CC - Content Creation - writing, social media…
- MU - Music - Guitar, Singing, Music theory…
- Sho - Shooting - Cameras, videography, photography…
- unstable - not much processed
- DevOps - infrastructure management, automation & collaboration between development & IT operations
- Cybersecurity - hacking prevention/attack & related
- IoT - Internet of Things - smart devices/home
- Tra - travelling
- 3D - Mostly Blender
- For the best viewing experience, download my notes and view them with Obsidian or your favorite markdown viewer
- To know more: Understand my vault
- Disclaimers
- Don’t take everything I write as truth
- Most images don’t work for now :P
Important links