- Great people that do intresting
- obituaries
- do you want the course or the curriculum?
Sources to learn sorted by (convenience & quality)
- Your mind - never underestimate youself
- why? wrong or right it’s going to be your unique conclusion entirely based on the context of yourself
- Past knowledge - process&update to the new one - regularely
- like N & L notes or discovery sections
- Use principles & widsom - chess board playing w Predicting
- AI - pretend it’s your free of charge mentor
- even if quality is aurguable, it’s really fast to get answers
- Quick search online
- Specific sources - if searching pixelart, go to pixilart.com
- Or general yt channels/videos
- even in 2x it might be not productive compared to using HLL on a book/common topic w AI
- language/culture of info is relevant
- countries/cultures are always specialized in something
- facts vs opinions - empirical data (higher/lower level)
- take care of Biases and Fallacies w Critical thinking and you’ll find something really close to the truth
- Relationships - People
- Mentor & reverse mentor + Relationships, not advisors
- Any other category might not did/make what you want to make, mentors did instead, they have experience
- it’s a combination of tutoring, coaching, and consulting
- holistic specialized supportive role. “Best” one usually
- Tutoring - specific for skill/offer dev + like a teacher
- worth even for betting first 3 calls to see if budget is suffiecient for you to learn the skills to start asking people for money and get even more tutoring
- they get paid also depending on nationality
- Coaching - holistic & focussed on broad goal obtaining
- Only if mentorship is off radar & already know skill/offer
- Consulting - practical tutoring but less teaching
- oriented on solving the problem for/with the client rather than teaching
- like someone that do your same stuff, but is better than you.
- He doesn’t teach like a tutor, but he has practical knowledge.
- useful when feeling comfortable on the theory but lacking the practical and holistic implementation
- Community&Masterminds - great support for any situation
- networking serendipity
- your own - start ASAP, make it a mastermind ASAP
- then you can make it public/general for traffic
- private -
- less quantity but more quality people than public
- specific interests
- commitment
- masterminds
- collaboration
- less quantity but more quality people than public
- public
- to prepare/validate yourself for private ones
- Diversity: broad point of views
- Wider range of resources
- Serendipity, potential collaboration, visibility
- because of more people
- it’s better here to…
- promote
- make big events
- gather feedback
- send free educational content
- Recruit asking for specific individuals
- My evaluation
- Mentor - best choice bcs it has the best of everything
- Tutoring - problems specifically with the offer or skill
- Coaching - only after having the offer or the skill
- Consulting - don’t need a teacher, but a problem solver
- Community - needed/useful in any scenario
- connect the dots - holicism
- Great resource
- mentor, peer, mentoree, and why private communities are important
- Mentor & reverse mentor + Relationships, not advisors
- Pragmatism testing
- Usually it should not be the first method you use
- Mentors may guide you preventing you to make useles mistakes, but still makes you train on the field after doing so
- only worth it when…
- preparation has been needed and made
- there might be mistakes that are destructive and should be prevented
- if the topic it’s somethink like cooking there’s not much preparation needed because mistakes might not be as crucial
- if you fail, the lesson you’ll learn will be really valuable
- preparation has been needed and made
- Usually it should not be the first method you use
- reading - often useless without HLL & action
- textbooks might be better
- Courses - cost effective non-tailored structured learning
- Great quick overview, but do overviewing first
- Your mind - never underestimate youself
focus list - sorted by quality
- Notes - if it’s really important, it should be there
- open browser tabs (not always so good)
- mentors - Steal like an artist - book
- bookmarks/e
- courses - udemy
- books
- taccuino
- Shallow work
- p1
- Notes/Contextual
- go to the intrested note and search if there is “discovery” section
- kill rss feed and saved
- order & go trough browser saved tabs
- p2
- p3
- Almost useless
- watch saved tabs into the chrome extension
- Inspiration in coding bookmarks (sick)
- read articles
- Other
- todoist
- Make daily extra todos
- 1h meditate
- check obsidian tags
- look orphans/notes to connect
online sources
- google
- trends
- scholar
- yt
- Podcasts
- Courses
- google
- have time list - sorted by quality
- urgent
- taccuino
- Notes
- book
- go to e bookmarks
- Learning resources
- p1
- Shallow work
- Contextual
- go to the intrested note and search if there is “discovery” section
- kill rss feed and saved
- p2
- p3
- Almost useless
- watch saved tabs into the chrome extension
- Inspiration in coding bookmarks (sick)
- read articles
- Learning resources
- Other
- todoist
- Make daily extra todos
- 1h meditate
- check obsidian tags
- look orphans/notes to connect
- old
- sorted by personal process
people - mentor & Relationships
Past knowledge
Quick research online - where the most valuable content can be found
- Usually on Certain channels/videos on yt
- e.g.
- if searching pixelart bin pinterest and go to pixilart.com
empirical data (higher/lower level)
Learn because bored list - sorted by quality
mentor and Relationships
urgent / taccuino
intentionally doing research preferring AI
search empirical data (higher/lower level)
Inspiration in coding bookmarks (sick)
go to e bookmarks
watch saved tabs into the chrome extension
kill rss feed and saved
read articles
check obsidian tags
look orphans/notes to connect
- Make daily extra todos
- todoist
- 1h meditate
- have time list - sorted by quality