more on notion
Discovery cold starts
Security - you can mix them
RLS - Raw Level - Row based on anything
CLS - Column-level
Object-level - db objects (tables, views, procedures etc)
Role-Based - like discord servers
ABAC - Attribute-based access control - more control w policies
HT choose
- Sources
- K/V > Document > Relational
- Try to mentally start w K/V first then if you need more stuff just go with relational
- don’t use
- bleeding edge stuff - do you want to risk on your data?
- mongo db
- without a clear motivation because you most likely need a relational DB because most data problems are relational
- firestore, ever
- Reliability
- never pick up bleeding edge without expecting anomalies
Main choices - sbt = suggested by theo
- My choices
- supabase - free plan
- railway - no free tier but 5$ scaling
- planetscale - no free tier, minimum 44$/m plan
- upstash - caching, integrates great w redis
- cockroach DB - sbt
- turso
- dynamo DB - end game of cloud hosting
- On browser
- localstorage
- IndexedDB
- no
- firebase
- BSL license
- Redis
- mongoDB
- sources
- dsjim
- My choices
Ways to connect
direct connection
- Non-standard or default
- connection pooler
- what?
- there are a fixed number of connections open at any given time.
- When a user requests a connection, the pool provides an available one from its pool of connections.
- Once the user finishes with the connection, it’s returned to the pool, becoming available for reuse by other users
- why?
- it’s more perfomance heavy to open/close connections than to let maybe 4 open and never close them. Especially in scenarios where there’s a high frequency of requests
- how?
- implemented through middleware
- tools
- (postgres) - pgbouncer and pgpool-II
- what?
- APIs
- connection pooler
Types - src
- Relational
- data integrity
- consistent
- accurate
- not damaged/lost
- ACID properties for transactions
- bad
- more complexity to scale horizontally
- data integrity
- Document
- Key value
- Relational
- SQLite
- mostly offline but can be used online - doesn’t need a server
- lightweight, less feature, cheap, faster than most DBs like mySQL
- mostly used in embedded systems
- reliable - less code
- Backward compatible and easily extendable.
- recorevable db content
- officially max 140 terabytes (depends on embedded system)
- MySQL - Foss fast standard for medium to big stuff
- Stability Issues
- Poor performance on high loads (millions of records)
- no support for real-time data processing and analytics
- multi—threading
- Support embedded applications
- Postgre - Foss, less fast, better scaling, w more features
- Reliable - Highly stable & can handle a large data without crashing
- Flexibility - Supports a wide range of data types
- Complexity - configurable+, hard for new users to set up/maintain.
- Distributed & resilient DB
- What?
- Servers on the edge are not enough, we also need the DBs to be closer to users… so let’s make 30 replicas distributed in the world
- foss
- CockroachDB
- built for Kubernetes
- Turso - uses sqLite
- CockroachDB
- What?
- SQLite